Tim's Tech Blog

About Me

Hey, my name is Timothée “Tim” Pillard (hachyderm.io/@tpillard, twitter.com/tpillard, github.com/ziir) and this is my Tech Blog.
Formerly Senior Front-End Engineer / Tech Lead at Dashlane / GANDI, I write about Web Development, Web Performance, Web Security, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.

I'm Looking For A Job #

I'm a Front-end Engineer with 10 years of professional experience building business-critical & public-facing web applications and websites in various environments.
Passionate about the Web, I am proficient with JavaScript, Web technologies, the modern Front-end ecosystem and related tooling, with a strong focus on performance and security.

Download my CV (pdf)

Get In Touch #

Recent Projects #

In 2021/2022, I have analyzed the JavaScript bundles & Babel configuration of two important Mozilla projects, and contributed to bringing their JavaScript build to the then current state of the art, leading to modest bundle size & runtime performance improvements:

Past Projects #

parisweb.app (2018) #

Demo apps for the React/Redux performance workshop “Petits trucs pour rendre vos applications React plus performantes” performed with Julien Wajsberg at a meetup hosted by Gandi and then at Paris Web in 2018.
The materials produced at this occasion (slides, code, examples) are mostly outdated, yet still somewhat relevant resources to understand and improve performance of React apps, with or without Redux, in 2023.

soundcut/app #

Soundcut is a Progressive Web App which enables you to extract, share, save, download or simply listen to specific moments (a slice or cut) of a song or any audio source.
Built using JavaScript (ES2017) with hyper/viperHTML and a strong focus on performance, it leverages a SPA/SSR/SW/Shell Architecture.

soundcut/decode-audio-data-fast #

decode-audio-data-fast is a small JavaScript utility allowing to decode mp3 audio file data in the browser from a File/Blob into a AudioBuffer using AudioContext.decodeAudioData(), but consistently faster than the native method.